Friday, September 18, 2015

The Book Nook...

Our latest home improvement project was by far my favorite.  It is a gorgeous built-in combination storage bench, firewood stand and bookshelf.  It completes our living space and entry way, adds seating space, balances the room and most importantly, it stores our stuff!

I, however, can only take credit for the painting and styling of the piece.  The ingenious design, planning and craftsmanship all belong to my handsome and talented husband (I am such a lucky girl!).

We went with a white paint, to keep the light and airy and clean look to the room.  In an effort to keep the piece from looking too polished, we left the edges of the shelving with only one coat, to reveal the woodgrain.  Afterall, this is a rustic mountain home!

When styling the books, I played around with size categorization, but ultimately went back to color coding them.  To me, it is the most appealing look.  Of course I mixed it up with both stacks and rows....even implementing our newly acquired arrow book ends! To jazz it up, I added our wedding "guest book" (a painted globe that guests signed...we have a thing for maps), spools of twine, a jar of sand from Lake Michigan, driftwood from Cape Cod, and more.
Bench completed, with shelving in progress

Ty doing what he does best!

Shelving going up

Genius--Shoe storage!

Love these arrow book ends

Happy building!

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