Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fancy some polo, darling?

It is no secret that I love New England summers.  They are warm and bright and usually involve great friends and the Atlantic coast.  Last weekend, while I was back visiting family and friends, I was lucky enough to spend the day in Newport, RI with some of my best friends for a day of polo.

For those of you who have never been to a polo match (this was my first time), it is a spectacle to behold.  Picturesque open fields, sprinkled with spectators dressed in their preppiest, sitting on lawn chairs and picnic blankets. It's like regular tailgating but instead of hot dogs and beers it's fancy imported cheeses and Champagne. 
Baby's first polo (mine too!)

My beautiful best friend and her precious little girl

The game itself doesn't disappoint either.  On this particular day, Newport International Polo challenged New York's team.  The ponies are magnificent; strong, athletic and powerful.  My favorite part is the sound of the 8 horses speeding by after the ball.  The game consists of six 7 minute chukkas (periods), where teams try to get the ball into the opposing team's goal.  After the first 3 chukkas, the crowd is invited onto the playing field to "stomp the divots" but beware, sometimes what you think is a ball of mud turns out to be manure...I almost learned that lesson, eek!

The whole scene was bougie perfection, with ladies in over-sized hats, antique cars dotting the lot, even the announcer sounded fancy with his proper British accent. Yet, despite it's unapproachable facade, tickets were $12 per person, more affordable than a movie these days. And the opportunity to be outside in the sweet final days of summer, spent with the best of friends and their adorable children was priceless.  

At the end of each match the players line up on their horses and ride around the field to give everyone in the crowd a high five.   Polo, darling, is a beautiful thing!

Happy riding!

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