Monday, July 28, 2014

Free weekend bliss...

This weekend was the first weekend in a LONG time that we have spent at home, with NO plans in sight. Between business trips, family vacation, social engagements and my mom's had been too long. Time to relax and attend to neglected domestic matters!

It was glorious to take our time waking up, brewing coffee and strolling with the dog...

It was luxurious to collect treasures from our favorite farmer's market and cook together...

We attended to abandoned household projects (sorry dead herb garden), took time to exercise together and.... we even had a date night, like real life couples!
The bounty of summer at a Mid-Western Farmer's Market.
I've been looking forward to peach season for weeks!

Friday Night Date Night: Summer House-Santa Monica
If you live in Chicago, YOU MUST GO, simply
 because there's Maine Lobster on the menu

Trip to Ikea for frames so we couls finally put up the vintage world
map in our bedroom. The behemoth store is so magical,
you go in for a frame you come out with an egg slicer,
a house plant,  a strainer....

Our living room looks SO COZY with Penny the Plant.
Thanks a million Ikea!

Weekend Fritata + Bloody Mary's = Recipe for awesome
6 eggs whisked with S+P to taste with 2 tsp light cream
3 cups thinly sliced potatoes and 1/4 onion - browned 
1/4 cup pesto (I used homemade, but you can use store bought pesto)
2 med balls buffalo mozzarella
1 cup grape tomatoes

Line the bottom of pyrex glass pie dish with potatoes and onions. 
Top with tomatoes, mozzarella and drizzle pesto.
Pour the egg mixture on top and sprinkle a tablespoon of freshly grated Parmesan.
Pop in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 min (until top is golden and a toothpick comes out dry).
Allow to cool for 10 min, cut and serve with cool greens tossed in almonds and pesto dressing*

(basic vinaigrette +pesto = pesto dressing)

What do you do with your zero-plan weekends at home? 
Happy relaxing!


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