Friday, June 20, 2014

Peachy Keen: Peach Sorbet

Nothing quite says summer like juicy+ripe fruit...and peaches are the cream of the crop!

Peachy-Keen Sorbet:
7-8 ripe large peaches (either white or traditional)
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp real vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Peel and slice peaches and put in the freezer for 1 hour.  
Remove and put in the blender with sugar, lemon, vanilla and salt.  Blend until smooth, pour into a loaf pan and freeze.  Set for 2 hours.  Scoop and serve!

Try it with toppings!
sliced almonds, shredded coconut, fresh mint leaves

I recommend running out immediately to get some peaches to try out this ahhh-mazing SORBET!

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