Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bounty Bars - Clean & Green Eating

Last week I stumbled upon a new app called, Clean & Green Eating, which is a fresh healthy recipe datatbase.  The app gives you complete ingredient lists, good instruction, nutritional info and even features an "add to shopping list" button so you can easily access your ingredient list while grocery shopping!

I have tried a handful of these recipes so far and they have been delightful.  Our household favorite so far, has been the "Bounty Bars" made from different forms of coconut and strong dark chocolate. Halfway through making the recipe I was convinced it wouldn't work...but the results were AMAZING and quite beautiful.  They are great frozen (which is where we were forced to keep them, because of all this heat and humidity!)

For the recipe, download the app here and be sure to follow them on Instagram at CleanandGreenEating.

Happy snacking!

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