Monday, August 11, 2014

Curing a wicked case of home-sickness

I am a very busy bee this week, working away the days in Long Island.  Visions of the faces and places I miss so much are dancing in my head and keeping me afloat.  I can't  wait for Friday to get here so I can enjoy some east coast summer!

Top ten cures for a wicked case of homesickness:

#1 A day at the track:
I LOVE horse racing (I think it's genetic, thanks Popsie) and any excuse to get dressed up and hang out in the sun is fine by me. Saratoga is going to be so good I can taste it!!!

#2 Family Cookout:
Long overdue family time in upstate NY with all of my crazy cousins, aunts, uncles and parents!

#3 Extra Large Iced Mary Lou's Hazelnut Coffee:
If candy and coffee got together and had a baby, it would be Mary Lou's coffee.  SPECIAL TREEEAT!

#4 Beaching it by the dunes of Cahoon Hollow Beach in Wellfleet, MA:
I have had an UNBELIEVABLE summer so far, but one thing I have missed= BEACH TIME!
I just can't wait to spend the day lounging on the sand, getting kissed by the sun and laughing....all at one of my favorite beaches

#5 Apres Beach Reggae Concert at The Beachcomber:
Margaritas, Wellfleet oysters, & dancin' the night away!

#6 Lobster Roll...or two:
I crave these sandwiches 365 days a year. Hands down, the best thing you can put on a buttered bun. Lobster rolls are best served anywhere between Maine and Rhode Island.

#7 A good long run along the Charles River Esplanade:
Nothing beats a good sweat with iconic views of that dirty water.

#8  Spending time in my Papa's veggie patch:
When I moved in May, my parent's back lawn was being torn up and prepped for a vegetable patch.  I had no idea that my father was going to start a farm. I can't wait to poke around and harvest it with him!!!
Seriously, how impressive is all of this within the city limits of Boston!
#9 JP LICKS maple-walnut cone with jimmies:
Enough said...

#10 Most importantly, time spent with these lovely faces and many more!

And then, after two exhaustingly wonderful weeks away, coming home to my happy little family and our sweet little home.  Happy Bee :)


Friday, August 8, 2014


Since I've always traveled a lot for work and pleasure, one would assume that I would have this "packing light" thing down to a science.  And I most certainly do...I pack very lightly when traveling to, say, Target, or Starbucks. All I take is my giant purse (that weighs 15 lbs). Even for a weekend trip I can keep it to a carry-on size, barely, but I manage.

However, when we are talking about a 10-day business trip or a week long jaunt back East....I do not pack lightly. I tried it a couple of times earlier this summer (I didn't want the boyfriend to think he's got a hoarding high maintenance girl). I packed only what I NEEDED.  Skipping those extras that I take just in case ...we go swimming, or it gets unseasonably cold, or I spill tomato sauce all over myself... 

You know what? It was a big mistake. I had to constantly do laundry (annoying when you're a house-guest), there was no variety (lame), and I was missing important stuff like a swim suit + a warm enough layer to see a glacier (holy cold). Going without or wasting valuable adventure time shopping, was less fun than packing a few extras in my suitcase (that was already being checked anyhow). 

So, here are my pro tips for "Ready for anything" packing:

#1 - Make a list...ALWAYS:
I write a comprehensive list for both personal and business travel.  I organize what I'll need to pack in order of outfits. That way I am never missing coordinating shoes or...*ahem*, the appropriate undergarments... 
Take the list with you too. It helps remind you 'what sweater goes with that dress' when you're in a hurry for that early business meeting!

If this seems very neurotic to you, I know... and maybe it is. But, when you're lost in greater Cleveland racing around in a rental car looking for Dillard's an hour before a rehearsal dinner, because your friend didn't have the shoes she needed, you don't look so neurotic, you look prepared!

In the spirit of preparation I recommend always pack an extra 2-3 layering tops in case of spills, extra few pairs of socks/undies in case you don't have access to laundry, an extra sweater in case it gets cold (like my Momma always said), and an extra "nice outfit" in case fancy plans spontaneously present themselves...

#2 - Don't procrastinate:
Do you like rushing? Do you like packing at the zero hour only to realize that you're out of deodorant and don't have time to stop at CVS before your flight?  I don't...which is why I am always packed for a trip at least 2 days in advance, leaving me time to grab last minute necessities before departure.

This doesn't mean that I love to pack. Getting the suitcases down from the front hall closet, laying clothes out in chore for me.  Which is why I end up playing dress-up in my closet for an hour. Trying on all of your dresses is wicked fun....more fun than packing anyhow...see?

seriously, don't leave me alone in my closet...all sorts of weird

#3 Pack neatly:
You have kept your clothes neat and clean and hung in your closet... so don't mess them all up by haphazardly tossing them into your suitcase! If you pack deliberately you'll always know where you packed stuff for quick retrieval.

Fold and put larger flat items on the bottom of piles with smaller ones on top (like a pyramid) so the pile is less likely to topple in transit. Shoes should always go in a separate pocket or in shoe bags, because you don't want all those street cooties on your clean clothes. 

Undergarments and smaller items stay neat and organized inside of felt bags (I use the ones that come with handbags and shoes because I have them).

Toiletries should all go into a zipper kit to keep from spilling and ruining your clothes and shoes in transit (Target has REALLY cute ones for under $10) 

Jewelry, electronics (+ their chargers), cash, prescriptions and all other valuables, obviously, should be carried onto the plane and stay on you at all times. But so should a book /magazine (we should all put the smart phone down more) and a healthy snack (airports are expensive and airlines don't feed us anymore, and nobody got time to be hangry).

#5 When in doubt:
I am not a light packer, by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know how to edit my packing. You probably won't need a back-up ball-gown, or 3 pairs of cowboy boots....but if you think you may want that second pair of blue jeans...pack them. Baggy t shirt to wear around the hotel room, go for it! When in doubt, ask yourself if you will be really uncomfortable, bummed or under-dressed if you leave an item behind. If not, then it stays home.  If so, it's in the bag!

Happy travels!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Ahhh, athletics. While I've always considered myself sporty, I haven't always considered myself a 'real athlete'. I don't do beast mode and there aren't MVP trophies collecting dust in my parent's attic. Competitiveness is not in my nature (blame being an only-child).  I excel at team-work, spirit and support, which doesn't win medals. I never resented those who did, or felt slighted. It just wasn't me. And NO, I'm definitely not a supporter of the "every kid gets a trophy" culture...

As a kid I played soccer and was on the YMCA swim team. By the time I finished high school, I was a 3-sport athlete, defense for NCDS soccer, ice hockey and lacrosse teams. Since I knew I'd never be a Middlebury Varsity caliber athlete,  I went out for JV teams instead. I played for the love of playing.

And how could I not love playing? The sweat, the hard work and grass-stains.  Practicing day-in and day-out with your team. That glorious moment when your team gets the ball in the back of an opponent's net. IT IS PURE JOY! 

As an adult I've dabbled in running. My very first race was a marathon (no big deal, right?). I signed up as part of a team with old friends. But, the team was sprawled out along the Eastern Seaboard.  After about a month of watching me half-ass training, my best friend intervened, fearing I wouldn't finish the race if left to my own devices. She became my teammate, and a really great runner. She held me accountable and pushed me to properly train for this behemoth race. You know worked! It made me tougher, and it made our friendship so much stronger.  It made me feel like an athlete, it was exhilarating.  I wouldn't trade a single step of our sub-zero 15+ mile runs in waist-deep snow for anything in the world. While we kept up weekly runs for years afterward,  moving 982-miles away has now made our weekly runs impossible. To be honest, I've run a LOT LESS the past 3 months because of it.  

And here's the thing, while we're being so honest: 30 maybe the new 20, or whatever...but, when your metabolism slams on the brakes the morning after your 30th birthday, your appetite is still sucking down the donuts like you're 22 (total bummer). But you HAVE GOT TO KEEP's the only way to stay strong enough to carry the groceries up 3 flights of enough to keep up with the dog on the beach....energized enough for a night on-the-town following a 12 hr work day...and yes, small enough to fit into my size 27s.

So I get moving....I love stand-up paddle boarding, but doing so regularly is difficult living in the city.  Hiking is another favorite, but hard to do when surrounded by prairie for 500 miles in all directions...Sorry Midwest, you're just not mountainous enough.

So, like every other 30-something living in the city, I try any and all forms of yuppied-up fitness crazes to stay fit.  I've done weeks upon weeks of bikram, spin and pilates-reformer classes. I love them for all their Lulu-clad goodness and sweaty results. But there's nobody there to encourage me...or slap me when I savasana instead of chaturanga. That athletic exhilaration is nowhere to be found, and I am no good at meditation. What is a girl to do?

Well... I am signing up for another half-marathon with my best friend (NEWPORT 2014!). My first half in 4 I HAVE to train to keep up with her (like I said, she's good).  Ty will keep me honest, training 5 days a week together. I actually love running with him (despite his giant steps). It is an hour of no distractions- just us chatting. We also said good-bye to our diet downfalls so we can stay healthy....I'll miss you Cherry Garcia

We're only 10 days into this plan, and I already feel much better about myself. Sleeping soundly and waking energized and motivated.  Plus, my shorts are starting to fit me again, BONUS! So what about that teenage notion of not being a "real athlete"?  Bull-shit.  I may never be a champ, the toughest, or the fastest...but when I get into a rhythm, and my breathing is heavy, sweat stinging my eyes, with enough left in me to sprint that last 100 yards to the finish...I feel just as real as any Olympian.

Hockey Division Champs (that's me on the top)

Final game of Senior year

NCDS Homecoming Game...wonder who that mascot is?

NCDS Varsity Soccer - I'm #6

My surfing skills... good or bad, it makes you feel
like a bad ass. Hell of a workout too.

Middlebury JV Lacrosse team

Middlebury JV Soccer - #6 again
Penalty father's proudest moment (hi Joanie)
2013 BAA 10K 

I love hiking, especially with my's a wonderful way to stay active
 and see some incredible things.

Those aren't post-marathon smiles...that is pain.
Blondie and I pre-marathon 2009

Stand-Up Paddling is my favorite way to get in shape, reconnect with
nature, get a tan and feel like I am walking on water

Happy sweating!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Fashion Jungle vs Bargain Hunter

I am embarrassed to admit how much time I spend each day drooling over glossy photos on Instagram and Fashion Blogs.  As I scroll through one fabulous outfit after another, I fantasize about the day when I too have my fabulous designer friends gifting me exquisite leather handbags emblazoned in gold thread with my monogram.  And then...I wake up.

While I am positive that I was, indeed, Born To Shop, I also know that I am not made of money (learned that the hard way...). But this doesn't mean that I can't rock an effortlessly stylish outfit that even the most fabulous bloggers would appreciate. Anyone can for that matter.  It just takes patience, a creative eye and knowing where to look. Hunting the fashion jungle, if you will.

A few tips to dress like you've got money while spending like you don't:

By always shopping a few weeks before the end of a retail season, you'll  score great sale items before everyone else picks them over. Remember, fashion retail switches seasons about a month before the calendar does.  If you can't find your size, don't be afraid to have a sales associate call another store for you.

TJ Maxx + Marshall's - Look for fabulous handbags, sunglasses, shoes at these amazing stores. I can't say enough about my love for these stores (and their sister-store, Home Goods, too).

Spend money on the classics (just not too much) because you can never go wrong with good fit and eternal style. White & blue jeans, chambray & oxford shirts, skinny black ankle pants, layering tees, lady-like cardigans, tall boots and prep-school blazers...all things I religiously buy at  J. Crew and Gap...because they do it best. I try it on in the store first, then wait to buy online during a store-wide sale...helloooo 30% off!

Trendy items - The best way to get the most up-to-the-minute trends without maxing out your credit card, is to shop at retailers like: Forever 21, Old Navy and Zara.  These brands are always up to speed, and their lesser quality items can easily be mixed in with your high-end staples. This will keep you looking like a million bucks!

One woman's trash can be your treasure! - Consignment and thrift shops are sometimes tedious, but, you can usually score awesome stuff if you take the time to treasure hunt (make sure you're in the mood and wear slip-on shoes).  Most consignment shops have automatic markdowns too, so you can get even better deals.

The great unkown: YOUR CLOSET - that's right ladies, go in there, deep in the back or all the way up on that highest shelf.  I guarantee you'll find something that you forgot you owned...something that didn't fit properly...something you haven't worn in years.  Try it on, see if there is a small modification that can make it better...a belt, cutting it down, hemming, changing the straps? Easy DIY alterations or inexpensive tailoring can give new life to items you already own!

Sweater - Old Navy $17, Pants- J. Crew via Second Time Around $6,
Pearls - Forever 21 $5, Shoes- Cole Haan via TJ Maxx $39,
Bag - Pretty Ships via Nordstrom $80

Tunic top - J. Crew Sale $29, Cutoffs- Citizens of Humanity
 (I cut themfrom baggy thrift store jeans) $5,
 Necklace - DIY leather cord ($4 at Michael's) Anthro pendant
$6, Bag- Pretty Ships via Nordstrom $80

Chambray Shirt (I wear this EVERYDAY) - J. Crew $60 sale, Peasant Top-
Forever 21 $11, Bag - Target $7 (clearance), Jeans - Pilcro for Anthropologie
$70 (end of season sale), Sunglasses - Kate Spade via TJ Maxx - $25
Happy hunting!